Our Clients 2017-07-05T16:40:22+00:00

Our Clients

DataCom’s focus is to provide long term I.T. partnerships with our clients. Most of our client relationships have been for at least five years, others much longer. These long term relationships allow us to understand our client’s unique needs and requirements and provide a high level of service.

We have a number of clients that span individuals and businesses of all types, this includes but is not limited to:

  • Malawi Carlsberg

  • Latitude 13

  • Self Help Africa

  • Mota Engil

  • TechnoBrain

  • Daeyang University

  • Baobab Health

  • Youth Net Council – YONECO

  • Malawi Red Cross


  • Malawi Investment Trade Center

  • Malawi Defense Force

  • & much more

Our clients receive the absolute highest level of system reliability and expertise in every area of service, resulting in value-added solutions that minimize risk and exposure to loss, liability and labor costs

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